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 COMPUTER stands for Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research. ... " A computer is a general purpose electronic device that is used to perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically.A personal computer (PC) is a multi-purpose computer whose size, capabilities, and price make it feasible for individual use.[1] Personal computers are intended to be operated directly by an end user, rather than by a computer expert or technician. Unlike large, costly minicomputers and mainframes, time-sharing by many people at the same time is not used with personal computers.
Children being taught how to use a notebook (portable laptop) personal computer in 2005; an older (1990s-era) desktop personal computer's CRT monitor, keyboard, and mouse are visible in the background
An artist's depiction of a 2000s-era desktop-style personal computer, which includes a metal case with the computing components, a display monitor and a keyboard (mouse not shown).

Institutional or corporate computer owners in the 1960s had to write their own programs to do any useful work with the machines. While personal computer users may develop their own applications, usually these systems run commercial software, free-of-charge software ("freeware"), which is most often proprietary, or free and open-source software, which is provided in "ready-to-run", or binary, form. Software for personal computers is typically developed and distributed independently from the hardware or operating system manufacturers.[2] Many personal computer users no longer need to write their own programs to make any use of a personal computer, although end-user programming is still feasible. This contrasts with mobile systems, where software is often only available through a manufacturer-supported channel,[3] and end-user program development may be discouraged by lack of support by the manufacturer.[4]

Since the early 1990s, Microsoft operating systems and Intel hardware dominated much of the personal computer market, first with MS-DOS and then with Microsoft Windows. Alternatives to Microsoft's Windows operating systems occupy a minority share of the industry. These include Apple's macOS and free and open-source Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux.

The advent of personal computers and the concurrent Digital Revolution have significantly affected the lives of people in all countriesThe use of computers on a regular basis in our life is very important. Technically in daily life computer is used to convert raw facts and data into meaningful information and knowledge. Computer science is explored and challenged by humans daily. The computer is like an electronic magical device for our life. According to Google Keyword Planner 100 – 1K people searching monthly on Google about ” best laptop for business and personal use” and 100-1K for the best desktop computer for small businesses in the last 1 year.

This is one of the proofs that the use of the computer in our life and business is really effective. That’s why more and more people are buying and using a computer.

If the uses of the computer are for good purposes then it is a boon for humans. From the government to the private sector everyone is using the computer. Users of the computer are constantly growing.
Why the use of a computer is important in daily life:

You can understand and analyze the importance of computers by seeing a revolution in offline and online business, online education, online business, online communication, and internet banking. To store, access, manipulate, calculate, analyze data, and information we use hardware devices and software applications.

All our daily life activities are based on such online services and products. The computer changed our life 2 decades ago and now it is a necessity to use a computer in daily life to live.

Let’s understand the uses of computer in the following points:
Top 10 uses of computers in our daily lives
1. Uses of the computer in the Education field

Schools and colleges around the world are using computer and internet technologies to teach students digitally and creatively with data visualization. Uses of the computer in a classroom will explore creativity and imagination in students’ minds.  Drawing tools, spreadsheets, Audio, Video lectures, and PowerPoint presentations, etc. are very beneficial for students to learn more deeply and accurately. That created the new education business model called small classes, smart classrooms, and digital classrooms.

As you know education is most important in our life. Computer reinvented the education system. Schools, colleges, and almost all kinds of educational institutions are using a computer in the classrooms. There are so many college and universities are now providing online degree programs, online courses for college students.

Computers are the most important educational tools for teachers and learners. YouTube, Blogs, eBooks, Newsletters, eNewspaper, etc. such educational tools are not possible without a computer that we’re using today.
So, to become educated, skillful we can use computers and this is one of the most beneficial uses of the computer in our daily life.

Learn more: Online Basic Computer Courses – Learn Essential Computer Skills
2. Use of computer in the business

Computer with the internet connection we can start the business, run the business, and manage the business and we can grow the business by the use of a computer.  Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon, and Alibaba all are websites created by the use of computers and the internet.

We can’t imagine the daily business operations around the world without the use of computer technologies. In the early days when the first mechanical computer invented by Charles Babbage, it was used only to control the business system and speed up the business process accurately. But today everything is controlled and managed by computers.

Businesses and companies use a computer to do marketing and business planning, they use a computer to record customer data, they use a computer to manage goods and services.

Computer with an internet connection is really important for businesses. Now they can do Internet marketing, they can sell products and services online. They can manage; hire employees around the world through the use of computers and the internet.

Almost all kinds of businesses are using computers in their daily official works. Such Microsoft Office to create professional-looking documents, excel spreadsheets to manage goods and services, Powerpoint for project presentations are common these days.

The use of computers in the business helping companies to grow their customer base faster. Computer use business is also challenging for companies and small business owners. Because customers have so many options to choose the best product or services through the use of the internet.

Any individual today can start their business from home. Freelancing is a big example. Freelancers are working remotely from home with the use of computers and the internet.

To start earning money by the use of a computer is not so much tough. You just need to learn or to become a master in a few applications or programming languages.

If someone knows about internet research, data entry, MS Word, etc. they can start data typing and editing work from home. Such as resume writing services, eBook writing services.

I found the following online course interesting for you. It’s because today lots of people have technical skills but the problem is most of them only see Job options, instead, the bigger option is entrepreneurship and business. That’s why I think younger people especially technical skilled youth or professional must try entrepreneurship. At this young age, you have more powers and you can utilize that at a bigger level.

Learn More: – Best courses for starting your own online business

If someone knows about Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw they can start graphic designing, logo designing business from home. This is so much simpler today to build a career in the IT field by the use of a computer and by taking available knowledge.

3. Uses of the computer in hospitals

Uses of the computer in the hospital provide many benefits for doctors and patients. Hospitals can create a database of a patient with their treatment records, medical records. Doctors are using a computer to diagnose the diseases of patients faster. They are taking the help of various medical applications of computer and hardware devices. The use of computer and its application in hospitals are such as to do the research on diseases, blood test, and urine test, brain testing, and body scanning, etc.
4. Uses of the computer in the banking sector

Banks are using computers daily to faster and accurate customer demands. Banks are using a computer to deposit customer money in their account. In this case, the cashier enters the account number of customers in their banking application, they first confirm the account number and customer details and then enter the deposited amount in their banking application by the use of the keyboard.

This process is faster and accurate. Banks are also providing ATMs to withdraw and cash deposit ATMs for their customers. Whenever we deposit, withdraw money we get messages on our mobile number. We can see and print our transaction records without visiting banks. The whole process of banking is done by a computer.

The innovative uses of computer in banking are that customer can operate their bank account by doing internet banking. Banks are providing the customer with accessing, transferring money, monthly bills, or shopping bills by the use of computers and mobile.

Also by the use computer customer can get knowledge about various bank loan schemes such as a business loan, home loan, and car loan. The customer can also check on the bank websites about loan eligibility and if they are eligible they can apply for the bank loan.

Such uses of banking in our daily life are stored, calculated, and managed by computers with speed and accuracy. The use of the computer in banking not only saving our productive time but also reducing the infrastructure cost of banks.
5. Uses of the computer in government offices

The government works or official works take more time to complete in the past. There was lots of staff required in the past to manage citizen’s works. But today citizens, consumers are getting a solution with high speed and accuracy. Because of the use of computers in official works. There are so many applications that speed the process and quality of official works. Such as Microsoft Office package, email, video conferencing tools are few applications that speed the work of government offices with accuracy.
6. Uses of the computer in the home

The computer uses at home depends on the user. There are so many people using the computer at home. Some people are using a computer to take online classes. Some people using the computer to do online business. Some people are using the computer to listen to songs and to watch movies etc.

Else the use of the computer in the home provides great advantages. Such you can access banking and business services from home. You can communicate with people around the world through the use of the computer.

You can use a computer at home for learning new skills and hobbies. You can use a computer to calculate and manage monthly expenses by using MS excel. You can create gift cards, birthday messages by using Microsoft word. You can edit, restore, and manipulate family photographs by the use of Adobe Photoshop. Else you can use the computer with the internet to do online shopping and you can start an online business too.

The use of a computer at home daily life is saving our time. The computer also saves money in our daily home life. Such as if you have a computer at home, you don’t need to buy a DVD player to watch movies and to listen to songs. You don’t need to go cyber café to collect and print notes. All kinds of small works that we do each day cost us money. But using computer application at home save our money, time and also provide entertainment and various ways to pass time.
7. Uses of the computer in marketing

The use of a computer with the internet is creating new ways to do the product and services marketing online. Digital marketing services, products, websites, and businesses are growing. Businesses can use a computer to type marketing content, to publish content marketing articles on websites and social media. They can sell and market their products on portals or such as Amazon. Businesses can use PPC to get a quick ROI for their marketing budget.

Companies can chat, email, outsource, apply and can do various works that included in Internet Marketing such as website designing, Search engine optimization, PPC, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, etc. all by the use of a computer to market their product and services in best possible ways.
8. A computer used by various people around the world for different reasons and purposes

    Kids: – Kids use the computer in their daily life to play games, to use drawing tools, and to watch funny (cartoon) videos.
    High school students: – Schools students can use a computer to learn Hindi English Typing. Students can learn and use digital communication tools. They can learn about online safety and etiquette. They can use drawing tools to explore creativity and inside artists in them such as by using paint programs in the Windows computer. They can also learn to do photo editing and graphic designing. The uses of a computer for school students should be to explore creativity and imagination. Online research can help school students to collect and understand the data and information about a particular book and chapters. Students can use MS-Office to create assignments, to do the mathematical calculation, presentation, etc. I am sure that many Indian schools students are doing these activities in schools and on home computers.

    College students: – The use of a computer with the internet for college students is really important. Information Technology education helps them in their study no matter what kind of degree they are doing. They not only need to learn about Information Technology but they need to use technology for their career. College students use Microsoft Word to create an assignment, notes, letters, and books. They use excel spreadsheet to mathematical calculation, data visualization by using Charts, they solve and learn various logical formulas. Many students are learning online etiquette skills and safety. They are using the computer and the internet to create websites. But the biggest use of a computer for college students is that they can join online degree programs. Many students are taking online classes from their homes. Students are connecting with teachers by using video conferencing applications and devices. Students with the use of a computer are getting faster information and knowledge from multiple sources. Such uses of computers in student’s daily life are really important.

Related: – Advantages of online classes for students

    Job seekers: – Job seekers use the computer to learn computer skills that help them to get a job. They learn to use Ms-Office, English and Hindi Typing, Internet research, File management, printing, MS-Office, use of the business application, and social media skills in their daily life. Job seekers who are IT literate or have productive computer skills get a job quicker than people with only job-specific skills.

    Business owners: – Business owners use computer-based on-demand and urgency. Commonly they use a computer daily to watch YouTube videos, upload family and travel photos on social media, etc. They also use the computer for business planning and team management. They use a computer for financial management. Also, the use of a computer is depending on the nature of the business. But commonly project management, financial planning, social networking, emails, letter writing, presentation, and Internet research are few uses of computers in the daily life of business owners.

Related:  How to make the best use of the internet as a small business owner

    Computer Professional & IT people: – The real truth is that there are no other uses of anything other than the computer in the daily life of IT people. There are more than 12 hours of average IT people spend their time on a computer according to me. In which they learn on the computer, they work on the computer, they communicate on a computer, they hire people on the computer, they order pizza on the computer, they transfer and receive money on the computer, they watch movies on the computer, and they are still trying to do everything on the computer.


But the benefits and results you’re seeing today on the computer and internet world are done by IT professionals around the world. Without IT people in this world, nothing is possible that you’re seeing on the Internet and computer today.
9. Uses of computer in new habits—Impact of computer in our life

Our life is fully impacted by computers. Today the use of the computer with internet connection in daily life changed our habits. We’re creating new kinds of habits. Such as listening to music on the computer, earning money online, doing internet banking, communicating online with friends and family, running an online business, taking online classes, etc. are new kinds of habits. It’s a good living practice by a human because many people are in favor of Technology without data analysis.

The computer can impact our life negatively too if above-paragraphed habits turn into bad habits. More use of a computer for daily life activities means less physical works and more mental work. In this case, the accessibility of the brain is increased by so many features of computers and the Internet. But the physical capacity is decreasing or not growing because of too much sitting all day in front of the computer. It’s really important for us to make a balance between brain access and body capacity. Such a balanced use of the computer in daily life will be great.

Related: Online courses to learn digital content creation skills
10. Uses of the computer to change a life: -Computer changed our lives in this way

A digital computer, analog computer, and now the use of hybrid computers are growing in our daily life. The problem is that the computer is doing our work faster and accurately and save our time. But then why people do not have any time today for their family. You can say the computer is changed our lives yes, the computer changed our lives because today we want to use air purifiers inside the home rather than planting new trees outside. Funny! Very Funny!

So we can’t just sit and not keep watching the things that we don’t like. Instead, we can change. We have the ability to change. And we will make the change by educating other people about various things. And education is the method that aligns any developing individuals, professional, business, and country into the growth and right direction. I know you have learned lots of things in this complete article. Now it’s your time to use your knowledge and skill at a greater and bigger level.

So, you need to understand and analyze what you want to do today and what is important for to you accomplish today by using a computer. Once you will find out it then start using the computer each day and it will make life easier, faster, and more importantly satisfy at the end of the day.


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